Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I am obviously not a very good Blogger. I won't be winning any awards for consistency or being quoted on any T.V. shows.

Anyway...we are coming up to the end of the school year at SDSU and are in the middle of selecting new student leaders for the fall. There is always a buzz and excitement as students step out and step up, taking on more responsibility for the group. I love their energy!

We are gearing up for our last meeting this week. Though it's not really a's a beach day with a bonfire. We'll play volleyball, eat and share stories of what God has been doing in people's lives.

I can't believe we're at the end at SDSU! Of course we still have a few weeks at UCSD...which brings me to the outreach we are doing tonight. I'll be leading a seminar on healthy relationships with our other staff, Lis. It will include a short lecture with tools students can use to have better relationships with the people around them; friends, family, roommates, etc.... Then a time in groups to discuss some questions, then a short Q&A. We will finish with some refreshments and then invite students to hear a short presentation on how to have a relationship with God. I'm excited for the time and our prayer is that it will turn into a 3-week study in what the Bible has to say about relationships. If you get this in time, please pray for it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We have about 5 students at SDSU who are making some relationships in one of the dorms on campus and will be starting a study group looking at the life of Jesus. Who He is and what he's done.

Please pray that we would see a number of freshmen who would be a part of the group.


Recently on campus at SDSU, our students have done a great job of talking to their friends, classmates and even strangers about faith.

Trying to hear where people are at with eternity, the unknown, or with their particular spiritual journeys. I know our students have been scared, but they have stepped out with love and concern to meet people right where they are at.

I have been thinking of the word 'transform' lately. Seeing how the students involved in our spiritual community are being transformed as they help to see others transform. move through, to change, across or beyond. And form...appearance, shape or condition.

Our community is shifting from being exclusionary to inclusionary. From being preoccupied with self and appearance, to being broken, humble and open.

People on campus are also being transformed as they see that not all 'Christians' are rigid, cold and hateful. We are seeing people take just one step closer to Christ, wherever they are.

They are being transformed or moving beyond where they have been a new place. A new perspective. At times to new life.

I see that as my job these days. Helping nudge people towards Christ. If they say they are Christians, I help nudge them towards greater surrender. If they don't identify with Christ, I help nudge them in ways that they see Jesus a person who is loving, compelling and worth trusting with their lives.

Please pray for us as we pray for you...that we would all be transformed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Announcement: Fall Getaway

So, I'm horrible at updating this...let's be honest.

However, we have our annual SDSU Fall Getaway this weekend! I'm excited. For the first time in I don't know how long, we are having it at an ACTUAL retreat place [not a hotel], up in the mountain with trees.

Please pray for our time up there with students as we connect with God, each other and God's heart for people who don't know him.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First week

As I'm writing this, I'm thinking through what I will share tonight. This has been our first week back at San Diego State University and it has been busy.

We are focusing on connecting with students and getting into spirtual conversations. Listening to their story, sharing parts of our stories and connnecting those to God's Story. It has been tiring but fruitful.

We are seeing more response than in past years and students are generally more interested in hearing about Christ than I can remember from other Fall semesters. God is at work.

I think of a girl named, Rachel, a sophomore who basically tested the waters her first year in the whole social scene. She's realized recently that she wants something more out of life and some of our students have met with her a couple times already. She's shared how she feels more cared for and connected and is trying to figure out what 'walking with God' looks like.

It's amazing how few people really take the time to listen to these young people, and how lonely many really feel.

If you happen to read this today, please pray for tonight as we have our first weekly meeting, that we can share who God is and his heart for these students and that we can invite them to pursue that relationship alongside us.


Recently I found that in a magazine called Radar [popular culture magazine for 20 somethings], San Diego State was listed as 'the most degenerate student body' in the United States.

The frightening thing is I wasn't that surprised. It made me sad, but not surprised. Having been on campus there over the last few years, I've seen that what stands out most is also accurately portrayed in the article; students are on campus to socialize and 'party'...and hopefully graduate.

It is such an incredible opportunity for me and my team to meet them at that spot, love on them, and prayerfully help them live for something more than the next party.

Please join us in praying for these students trying to figure out who they are and who they will be.

Oh, and the link to the article online is:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New year....

Wow, the summer went fast. Wendy and I got back from a 'debriefing' conference a little while back and were so encouraged and excited to see and hear what God was doing through our college students around the world. Hearing about life change is always exciting.

We will be meeting with our students from San Diego State this next week to dream together about the upcoming school year. We have met as staff for a few days already and can't wait to try some new stuff on campus.

Please pray for us the next week that God would give us clear vision, would fill us with passion and help us with determination to do what it takes to love people where they are at.